Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-25469: data not specified for alias: string column name: string

ORA-26001: Index string specified in SORTED INDEXES does not exist on table string

ORA-26005: Invalid handle for direct path load

ORA-26023: index string.string partition string was made unusable due to:

ORA-26103: V6 or V7 data file used to create control file

ORA-26516: no push transaction acknowledgement

ORA-26522: rpc execution error

ORA-27006: sbtremove returned error

ORA-27064: skgfdisp: cannot perform async I/O to file

ORA-27075: skgfrofl: SSTMOFRC constant too large

ORA-27089: skgfrlk: unable to release advisory lock

ORA-27202: skgfpen: sbtpcend returned error

ORA-27210: syntax error in device PARMS

ORA-28555: pass-through SQL: required parameter missing or NULL

ORA-28582: a direct connection to this agent is not allowed

ORA-28666: option not allowed for an index on UROWID column(s)

ORA-29344: Owner validation failed - failed to match owner 'string'

ORA-29395: cannot set the initial consumer group to string

ORA-29513: referenced class name too long

ORA-29519: name string resolved via a synonym in schema string to a class with a different name

ORA-29878: warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine

ORA-29929: missing SCAN Keyword

ORA-30121: 'string' is not an allowable value for 'string'

ORA-30181: integer in argument index is not immediately followed by )

ORA-30462: unsupported operator: string

ORA-30463: 'string' is not a detail table of any summary

ORA-30655: cannot select FOR UPDATE from external organized table

ORA-30731: scope constraint not allowed on nested table column when the nested table is being created

ORA-30735: cannot create multiple subtables of the same type under a supertable

ORA-31092: invalid SQL name "string"

ORA-31105: User does not own lock "string"

ORA-31415: change set string does not exist

ORA-31421: change table does not exist

ORA-32060: channel failure

ORA-32130: invalid offset/index referenced in Bytes

ORA-32139: Cannot write to the stream

ORA-33046: (XSAGDNGL22) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can specify only one SCREENBY clause.

ORA-33218: (CINSERT04) \%a value workspace object number number \%p is not a valid value for the \%p dimension. Values for this dimension can have at most \%p significant digits after rounding to \%p decimal places.

ORA-33998: (MODCOMP12) \%a workspace object workspace object workspace object workspace object You cannot use both \%p and \%p as model dimensions, because \%p is a surrogate of \%p.

ORA-36694: (XSRELTBL01) The value cannot be added to dimension workspace object.

ORA-36720: (XSALLOC01) To be used with ALLOCATE, your AGGMAP workspace object must be defined with the ALLOCMAP command.

ORA-01923: CASCADE aborted, objects locked by another user

ORA-01945: DEFAULT ROLE[S] already specified

ORA-02101: PCC: inconsistent cursor cache (uce/cuc mismatch)

ORA-02340: invalid column specification

ORA-02424: potential circular view references or unknown referenced tables

ORA-02774: Invalid request list latch time out value

ORA-03107: oranet buffer underflow

ORA-03241: Invalid unit size

ORA-03275: duplicate DEALLOCATE option specification