Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-08430: raw data missing leading sign

ORA-08466: raw buffer length string is too short for string

ORA-09217: sfsfs: failed to resize file

ORA-09320: szrfc: unable to obtain the list of valid OS roles

ORA-09344: spsig: error signalling thread

ORA-09353: Windows 32-bit Two-Task driver unable to open event semaphore

ORA-09756: osnpns: no port in the name server.

ORA-09793: szguns: length of user name is greater than buffer.

ORA-09798: Label comparison failed.

ORA-09811: Unable to initialize package.

ORA-09823: device name is too long

ORA-09826: SCLIN: cannot initialize atomic latch.

ORA-09840: soacon: Name translation failure.

ORA-09930: LUB of two labels is invalid

ORA-09936: Open of ORACLE password file for write failed.

ORA-09947: Unable to allocate connection attributes structure

ORA-10583: Can not recover file string renamed as missing during test recovery

ORA-12321: database (link name string) is not open and AUTO_MOUNTING=FALSE

ORA-12446: Insufficient authorization for administration of policy string

ORA-12469: no user levels found for user string and policy string

ORA-12477: greatest lower bound resulted in an invalid OS label

ORA-12485: new effective label not within effective clearance

ORA-12994: drop column option only allowed once in statement

ORA-13225: specified index table name is too long for a spatial index

ORA-13336: Failure in converting standard diminfo/geometry to LRS dim/geom

ORA-13362: disjoint sub-element in a compound polygon

ORA-13404: not a local source

ORA-13426: unsupported raster origin

ORA-14032: partition bound of partition number string is too high

ORA-14081: new partition name must differ from the old partition name

ORA-14129: INCLUDING INDEXES must be specified as tables have enabled UNIQUE constraints

ORA-14163: subpartition number string: INITRANS value must be less than MAXTRANS value

ORA-14187: partitioning method for LOCAL index is inconsistent with that of the underlying table

ORA-14286: cannot COALESCE the only subpartition of this table partition

ORA-14612: Duplicate lob segment name string for lob column string in template

ORA-14643: Hakan factor mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION

ORA-16041: Remote File Server fatal error

ORA-16061: Log file status has changed

ORA-16073: archiving must be enabled

ORA-16092: dependent archive log destination is not active

ORA-16102: remote information is not available on the specified primary

ORA-16161: Cannot mix standby and online redo log file members for group string

ORA-16162: Cannot add new standby databases to protected configuration

ORA-16209: Logical standby dictionary build failed to complete.

ORA-16543: invalid request made to broker

ORA-16585: illegal operation on a primary site

ORA-16745: Resource guard encountered error during database dismount

ORA-16781: The status of log transport service for some site is unknown

ORA-16910: unable to issue command to server

ORA-19033: schema specified in the XML document does not match the schema parameter