Errores DRG

Errores DRG mas frecuentes

DRG-13304: character referenced by wildcard attribute is not a wildcard character, at line string

DRG-52108: failed to delete knowledge base user extension

DRG-11509: value expected on line string

DRG-11855: FTP Server Replies

DRG-11839: Internal Server Error

DRG-12213: cannot create/drop section group or sections for other user

DRG-12435: highlight table allocation failed

DRG-50601: fatal error

DRG-11716: attempt to add Narrower Term string for non-Preferred Term string

DRG-11728: phrase does not have any broader terms of this type

DRG-11820: Unauthorized

DRG-11818: Temporary Redirect

DRG-11878: Loading New Rules Must Be Explicitly Acknowledged

DRG-12308: use ctx_ddl.create_index_set to create index sets

DRG-12431: configuration section string not found

DRG-13006: sub lexer for this language is not defined

DRG-50301: server error reading request queue

DRG-51310: batch_done() failed

DRG-11809: Partial Content

DRG-50851: SQL execute failed

DRG-50909: maximum number of documents string is not an integer

DRG-50949: too many SQEs

DRG-52102: an invalid transaction handle was passed to Oracle Text

DRG-52205: class string and object string already exists for this index

DRG-11604: URL store: access to string is denied

DRG-11868: Too Many Redirections

DRG-50801: failed to parse cursor

DRG-50904: weight string outside valid range 0.1 to 10.0

DRG-51022: undefined error in stemmer

DRG-10835: WITHIN operator not supported for theme index

DRG-11711: too much data for term string

DRG-12800: Attribute NESTED_TYPE must have owner name as prefix

DRG-50703: listener startup error

DRG-50942: errors: stringstring

DRG-11115: a value for string must be specified

DRG-11123: theme indexing is not supported

DRG-11705: multilevel jump from string to string

DRG-11813: Moved Temporarily

DRG-50702: error in drtlsleep()

DRG-52201: incompatible Oracle Text versions

DRG-11501: identifier string found in place of column name on line string

DRG-50302: server error reading OOB break queue; cannot detect interrupts

DRG-10550: illegal syntax for index, preference, source or section name

DRG-11516: user must be at least in role CTXUSER to perform this operation

DRG-12802: invalid type column: string

DRG-13308: query operator ABOUT not supported by USER_LEXER

DRG-50000: requested size larger than pagesize

DRG-10801: cannot create an SQE for another user

DRG-11859: Data Transfer Interrupted

DRG-11877: This Cache Version Has Expired And Will Be Automatically Reloaded