Errores DRG

Errores DRG mas frecuentes

DRG-12002: Please enter username for proxy authentication:

DRG-50931: parser not opened

DRG-51025: an invalid character was passed to the stemmer

DRG-52106: Oracle Text service results could not be committed

DRG-11528: LONG or LONG RAW column defintion found in structure data

DRG-11816: Use Proxy

DRG-11876: When Your Are Connected, You Can Log In

DRG-12005: Please give name of file to save in:

DRG-12010: This file already exists - replace existing file?

DRG-50861: failed to obtain type descriptor

DRG-50927: parser failed on line string on column string

DRG-50860: failed to prepare statement

DRG-51020: out of memory in fuzzy matcher

DRG-11810: Partial Update OK

DRG-11825: Not Acceptable

DRG-50914: invalid last document number string

DRG-11600: URL store: string has permanently moved

DRG-12440: document table read failed

DRG-50933: parser hash insert failure

DRG-52202: invalid class name: string

DRG-11815: Not Modified

DRG-11850: Transformation Applied

DRG-12001: Please enter username:

DRG-50915: last document number string is not an integer

DRG-13100: index is not partitioned

DRG-11710: thesaurus term string too long

DRG-11726: phrase is not a preferred term

DRG-12430: mandatory argument missing: string

DRG-50923: could not rewrite PL/SQL for execution

DRG-50934: parser hash create failure

DRG-11802: Switching Protocols

DRG-11858: Gopher Server Replies

DRG-12506: stop word string does not exist in stoplist string

DRG-12401: invalid template: query within a loop

DRG-12404: more than one template string found

DRG-12406: invalid CTX EXEC tag attribute (string)

DRG-11872: Can't Connect To WAIS Server

DRG-11404: no primary key value specified

DRG-12409: syntax error for label in string

DRG-50907: score threshold string outside valid range 1 to 100

DRG-50700: unknown command (args=queue, command)

DRG-50928: reserved failure on line string on column string

DRG-50930: parser memory failure on line string on column string

DRG-11853: No Host Name Found

DRG-11500: column name expected, found string on line string

DRG-52109: error in reading thesaurus

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