Errores PLS

Errores PLS mas frecuentes

PLS-00531: Unsupported type in a VARRAY or TABLE type: 'string'.

PLS-00139: duplicate external NAME specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00628: 'string' must be a valid record attribute

PLS-01413: Use of NULL an expression

PLS-00155: Only a function may be a MAP, ORDER or CONSTRUCTOR method.

PLS-00504: type string_BASE may not be used outside of package STANDARD

PLS-00462: nested subprogram 'string' has to be REPEATABLE

PLS-00232: nested packages not permitted

PLS-00900: can't find body of unit 'string'

PLS-00530: Illegal type used for object type attribute: 'string'.

PLS-00970: The class name of a method must match that of EXTERNAL NAME clause in the type header

PLS-00353: 'string' must name a user in the database

PLS-00537: A VARRAY must have a positive limit

PLS-00640: a pipelined function cannot be called from PL/SQL context

PLS-00718: type of attribute 'string' does not allow modifications to the attribute

PLS-00602: CUBE and ROLLUP may appear only in a GROUP BY clause

PLS-00142: duplicate external PARAMETER list specification in subprogram expression

PLS-00335: a package name conflicts with an existing object

PLS-01422: Aliases

PLS-00166: bad format for date, time, or timestamp literal

PLS-00309: with \%LAST attribute, 'string' must be a variable of an enumerated type

PLS-00706: Exception string cannot be used as prefix of a selected component

PLS-00580: supertype must be an object type

PLS-00239: invalid external type specification for SQLCODE

PLS-00338: unable to resolve "string" as a column or row expression

PLS-00636: overriding method requires OVERRIDING keyword

PLS-00902: A READ-ONLY bind variable used in OUT or IN-OUT context

PLS-00325: non-integral numeric literal string is inappropriate in this context

PLS-00500: invalid operator binding

PLS-00599: SAMPLE percentage must be in the range [0.000001,100)

PLS-00620: type mismatch found at 'string' among operands in a COALESCE expression

PLS-00592: the type of a object table must be an object type

PLS-00647: attribute by name "string" conflicts with method by same name

PLS-00162: Pragma string expects 4th argument to be a positive integer literal

PLS-00724: package body cannot be compiled to bytecode if its spec was compiled native

PLS-01416: Use of id (value...) here

PLS-00715: attribute or method by name 'string' does not exist

PLS-00650: invalid type for PARTITION/CLUSTER/ORDER BY clause

PLS-00257: illegal use of EXTERNAL clause in a TYPE or PACKAGE specification

PLS-00503: RETURN value statement required for this return from function

PLS-00583: size must be specified if opaque type is fixed-length

PLS-01404: ANSI Identifiers can only consist of letters, digits, and the underscore character

PLS-00233: function name used as an exception name in when clause

PLS-00260: Datetime/Interval constraints must be in range (0 .. 9)

PLS-01908: : RETURNING INTO buffer too small

PLS-00243: invalid external type specification for SQLNAME

PLS-00317: incomplete type "string" was not completed in its declarative region

PLS-00552: flexible character set is not allowed on component element

PLS-00245: Formals used in the 'parameters' clause must appear exactly once

PLS-00598: comparison of object with NULL using string is not allowed