Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-14024: number of partitions of LOCAL index must equal that of the underlying table

ORA-28007: the password cannot be reused

ORA-02404: specified plan table not found

ORA-03127: no new operations allowed until the active operation ends

ORA-01119: error in creating database file 'string'

ORA-24372: invalid object for describe

ORA-29701: unable to connect to Cluster Manager

ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents

ORA-01207: file is more recent than controlfile - old controlfile

ORA-00925: missing INTO keyword

ORA-08176: consistent read failure; rollback data not available

ORA-02185: a token other than WORK follows COMMIT

ORA-01465: invalid hex number

ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object stringstringstringstringstring

ORA-30683: failure establishing connection to debugger

ORA-00333: redo log read error block string count string

ORA-01103: database name 'string' in controlfile is not 'string'

ORA-29261: bad argument

ORA-01457: converting column overflows decimal datatype

ORA-01026: multiple buffers of size > 4000 in the bind list

ORA-22864: cannot ALTER or DROP LOB indexes

ORA-26026: unique index string.string initially in unusable state

ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'string.string'

ORA-12712: new character set must be a superset of old character set

ORA-01466: unable to read data - table definition has changed

ORA-01426: numeric overflow

ORA-24327: need explicit attach before authenticating a user

ORA-01812: year may only be specified once

ORA-06572: Function string has out arguments

ORA-00908: missing NULL keyword

ORA-28575: unable to open RPC connection to external procedure agent

ORA-00064: object is too large to allocate on this O/S (string,string)

ORA-00447: fatal error in background process

ORA-01127: database name 'string' exceeds size limit of string characters

ORA-01731: circular view definition encountered

ORA-06513: PL/SQL: index for PL/SQL table out of range for host language array

ORA-25150: ALTERING of extent parameters not permitted

ORA-01719: outer join operator (+) not allowed in operand of OR or IN

ORA-31001: Invalid resource handle or path name "string"

ORA-24353: user buffer too small to accommodate COBOL display type

ORA-12034: materialized view log on "string"."string" younger than last refresh

ORA-02494: invalid or missing maximum file size in MAXSIZE clause

ORA-02236: invalid file name

ORA-01799: a column may not be outer-joined to a subquery

ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file string (block # string)

ORA-00022: invalid session ID; access denied


ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # string, block # string)

ORA-02082: a loopback database link must have a connection qualifier

ORA-28221: REPLACE not specified