Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-29819: cannot associate default values with columns

ORA-30101: unknown parameter name 'string'

ORA-30195: reserved for future use

ORA-30199: reserved for future use

ORA-30204: buffer is not large enough

ORA-30345: circular dimension hierarchy

ORA-30351: query rewrite does not currently support this expression

ORA-30365: left relation in the JOIN KEY clause cannot be same as right

ORA-30366: child JOIN KEY columns not in same relation as child level

ORA-30376: prevent sharing of a parsed query of an explain rewrite session

ORA-30378: MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE is not compatible with Oracle version

ORA-30436: unable to open named pipe 'string'

ORA-30465: supplied run_id is not valid: string

ORA-30570: SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT option already specified

ORA-30676: socket read or write failed

ORA-31206: DBMS_LDAP: PL/SQL - Invalid LDAP search scope

ORA-31406: change source string is referenced by a change set

ORA-31423: change table string does not contain column string

ORA-31426: cannot modify active subscriptions

ORA-31440: change set string is empty and cannot be advanced

ORA-31456: error executing a procedure in the DBMS_CDC_UTILITY package

ORA-31464: target table for the change table no longer exists

ORA-32601: value for retention cannot be provided

ORA-33004: (XSAGDNGL01) workspace object is not a relationship array.

ORA-33030: (XSAGDNGL14) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can have either a single independent PROTECT statement or PROTECT statements in your RELATION statements.

ORA-33052: (XSAGDNGL25) AGGMAP workspace object is a dimensioned AGGMAP; it can only be used to aggregate like-dimensioned variables.

ORA-34210: (MXCHGDCL18) You cannot change workspace object to a dimension composite because one or more surrogates has been defined for it.

ORA-35282: (SNSYN166) The format of the AGGREGATE function is: AGGREGATE(varname USING aggmap-name [COUNTVAR intvar-name] [FORCECALC])

ORA-36184: (XSAGGR10) You do not have sufficient permissions for the variable workspace object.

ORA-36342: (SNSYN200) The format of the CLEAR command is: CLEAR [ ALL | STATUS ] [ CHANGES | PRECOMPUTES | NONPRECOMPUTES | CACHE ] FROM var1 [var2, var3...] [USING aggmap]

ORA-36708: (XSMXALLOC00) Variable workspace object must be dimensioned to be used by the ALLOCATE command.

ORA-36746: (XSRELTBL10) workspace object must be a dimension.

ORA-36950: (XSFCAST22) \%a string number number The list of \%p values cannot have more than \%p members. You supplied \%p.

ORA-01566: file specified more than once in DROP LOGFILE

ORA-01635: rollback segment #string specified not available

ORA-01844: week of year must be between 1 and 52

ORA-01903: EVENTS keyword expected

ORA-02088: distributed database option not installed

ORA-02182: savepoint name expected

ORA-02247: no option specified for ALTER SESSION

ORA-02707: osnacx: cannot allocate context area

ORA-02739: osncon: host alias is too long

ORA-02795: Request list is empty

ORA-02804: Allocation of memory failed for log file name

ORA-02835: Server unable to send signal to client

ORA-06142: NETTCP: error getting user information

ORA-06256: NETNTT: remote fork failed

ORA-06263: NETNTT: out of memory in pi_connect

ORA-06266: NETNTT: bad write length

ORA-06722: TLI Driver: connection setup failure