Errores ORA

Errores ORA mas frecuentes

ORA-29848: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXMERGEPARTITION routine

ORA-30108: invalid positional parameter value 'string'

ORA-30431: refresh method must be ANY or INCREMENTAL or FORCE_FULL, not string

ORA-31030: Unable to retrieve XML document

ORA-31099: XDB Security Internal Error

ORA-31403: change table string already contains a column string

ORA-31439: subscription is already active

ORA-31444: parameter error while acquiring lock on string

ORA-32133: Cannot get stream from LOB/FILE

ORA-32140: cannot perform this operation on stream

ORA-32507: expecting string but found string

ORA-36182: (XSAGGR09) \%a workspace object number Could not locate a value for variable \%p in measure dimension \%p.

ORA-01949: ROLE keyword expected

ORA-02141: invalid OFFLINE option

ORA-02178: correct syntax is: SET TRANSACTION READ { ONLY | WRITE }

ORA-02738: osnpwrtbrkmsg: incorrect number of bytes written

ORA-02786: Size needed for shared region is greater than segment size

ORA-02789: Maximum number of files reached

ORA-02825: Request on free list was not free

ORA-02875: smpini: Unable to get shared memory for PGA

ORA-02899: smscre: Cannot create SGA with Extended Shared Memory feature

ORA-04932: increment or adjust of sequence number failed

ORA-06117: NETTCP: unable to create ORASRV: quota exceeded

ORA-06124: NETTCP: timeout waiting for ORASRV

ORA-06306: IPA: Message write length error

ORA-06930: CMX: error when checking ORACLE_SID

ORA-07218: slkhst: could not perform host operation

ORA-07272: spwat: invalid semaphore set id.

ORA-07276: no dba group in /etc/group.

ORA-07407: slbtpd: invalid exponent.

ORA-07509: scgfal: $deq parent lock unexpected return

ORA-07612: $GETUAI failed in retrieving the user's clearance level

ORA-07618: $IDTOASC failed translating a secrecy level

ORA-07624: smsdes: $DGBLSC failure

ORA-07672: $PARSE_CLASS failed translating the string into a binary label

ORA-07684: sou2os: supervisor stack reset error

ORA-07721: scgcm: not enough OS resource to obtain system enqueue

ORA-08341: On nCUBE, this command can only be executed from instance 1.

ORA-09710: soarcv: buffer overflow.

ORA-09804: Class conversion from binary to ORACLE failed.

ORA-09824: Unable to enable allowmacaccess privilege.

ORA-09854: snyPortInfo: bad return code from request.

ORA-09870: spini: failure initializing maximum number of open files.

ORA-09909: Malloc of scratch buffer failed.

ORA-10568: Failed to allocate recovery state object: out of SGA memory

ORA-12022: materialized view log on "string"."string" already has rowid

ORA-12424: length exceeds binary label size

ORA-12426: invalid audit option

ORA-12492: DBLOW cannot be changed

ORA-12806: could not get background process to hold enqueue