Errores LPX

Errores LPX mas frecuentes

LPX-00249: invalid external ID declaration

LPX-00240: element-start tag is not well formed

LPX-00113: element "string" ID attribute "string" must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED

LPX-00119: element "string" attribute "string" must be an unparsed entity

LPX-00120: entity "string" NDATA (notation) "string" is undefined

LPX-00241: entity reference is not well formed

LPX-00244: invalid use of less-than ('<') character (use &lt;)

LPX-00102: standalone document declaration should be "no"

LPX-00222: error received from SAX callback function

LPX-00243: element attribute value must be enclosed in quotes

LPX-00263: couldn't connect to host string port number

LPX-00219: invalid digit 'character' in character reference

LPX-00224: multiple occurrences of attribute "string" found

LPX-00253: missing required version number in XML declaration

LPX-00406: object of incorrect type passed to the function

LPX-00255: XML standalone declaration must be "yes" or "no"

LPX-00242: invalid use of ampersand ('&') character (use &amp;)

LPX-00411: unknown function name encountered

LPX-00204: syntax error

LPX-00269: all three access functions (open/close/read) must be provided

LPX-00247: invalid Document Type Declaration (DTD)

LPX-00409: incorrect token encountered while parsing

LPX-00277: no closing quote was seen

LPX-00235: invalid XML version, must be 1.0 or 2.0

LPX-00267: could not resolve relative URL string

LPX-00260: invalid xml:space attribute declaration

LPX-00404: unable to resolve namespace URI

LPX-00106: attribute "string" of element "string" is undefined

LPX-00280: HTTP error string

LPX-00271: FTP login failed: string

LPX-00318: duplicate xsl:decimal-format "string"

LPX-00207: expected "[" at the start of conditional section

LPX-00115: element "string" is missing required attribute "string"

LPX-00223: external entity "string" found in an attribute value

LPX-00261: invalid URL string

LPX-00322: A doc referred by XSLT stylesheet could not be opened : string

LPX-00232: invalid use of a parameter entity reference

LPX-00264: send failed to host string

LPX-00226: entity "string" is not declared

LPX-00228: entity reference "string" refers to itself

LPX-00320: No more attributes can be added to a non-empty element

LPX-00238: unterminated conditional section

LPX-00410: unable to resolve the variable reference

LPX-00268: invalid access method number, must be 0 to number

LPX-00254: invalid XML declaration

LPX-00402: invalid axisname in the XSL file

LPX-00236: invalid character number ('character') found in public identifier

LPX-00408: right parenthesis missing in the XSL file

LPX-00302: Incorrect stylesheet. The node is not valid.

LPX-00401: invalid QName in the XSL file