Errores IMG

Errores IMG mas frecuentes

IMG-00540: contentFormat and interleave conflict

IMG-00530: internal error while parsing command

IMG-00502: invalid scale value

IMG-00002: unrecoverable error

IMG-00545: invalid cut values specified

IMG-00512: multiple incompatible scaling parameters found

IMG-00526: error parsing foreign image description

IMG-00584: output format does not support the specified compressionQuality

IMG-00515: incorrect number of input channels

IMG-00522: invalid format for parameter value

IMG-00551: invalid dither type specified

IMG-00506: extra value in CUT rectangle

IMG-00517: height or width not present in parameter string

IMG-00544: invalid compressionQuality specified

IMG-00001: unable to initialize Oracle interMedia environment

IMG-00587: output format does not support the specified scanlineOrder

IMG-00521: invalid value for dataOffset

IMG-00549: invalid pixelOrder specified

IMG-00601: out of memory while copying image

IMG-00599: internal error

IMG-00523: invalid process verb

IMG-00542: contentFormat includes invalid extra information

IMG-00511: string

IMG-00550: invalid scanlineOrder specified

IMG-00548: invalid interleave specified

IMG-00586: output format does not support the specified pixelOrder

IMG-00519: illegal combination of parameters

IMG-00524: mismatched quotes

IMG-00602: unable to access image data

IMG-00552: invalid inputChannels specified

IMG-00585: output format does not support the specified channelOrder

IMG-00513: missing value in scaling operation

IMG-00541: invalid contentFormat specified

IMG-00546: invalid page number specified

IMG-00543: invalid compressionFormat specified

IMG-00514: extra value in scaling operation

IMG-00580: specified format does not support output

IMG-00510: string

IMG-00581: output format does not support the specified contentFormat

IMG-00582: output format does not support the specified interleave

IMG-00525: locale error

IMG-00561: input format does not support channel selection

IMG-00547: invalid channelOrder specified

IMG-00520: invalid value for numberOfBands

IMG-00583: output format does not support the specified compressionFormat

IMG-00516: default channel out of range

IMG-00531: empty or null image processing command

IMG-00505: missing value in CUT rectangle

IMG-00518: invalid value for height or width

IMG-00560: input format does not support page selection