
Error: TNS-12557: TNS:protocol adapter not loadable

Causa: On some platforms (such as OS/2), protocol adapters are loaded at run time. If the shared library (or DLL) for the protocol adapter is missing, or one of its supporting libraries is missing, then this error is returned.

Acción: For further details, turn on tracing and re-execute the operation. The trace file will include the name of the shared library (or DLL) that could not be loaded.


por victor torres | 25/11/2009 09:41:51

RE: TNS-12557

si tenes la version oracle xe 10 g gratuita
debes realizar lo
siguinetes pasos
inicio --> base de datos oracle xe--> iniciar base de datos
en este momento al ingresa al iniciar base de datos te aparece la ventana de dos
espera que se carguen todas las instrucciones y una vez que termino de aparecer todas la
bebes colocar net start
este comando recetea por completo la base de datos