Errores PCC

Errores PCC mas frecuentes

PCC-02405: Variable is of undefined type

PCC-02431: Expecting an expression of type external LOB (BFILE)

PCC-02376: You may not declare SQLCODE when DEF_SQLCODE = TRUE

PCC-00069: Host variable "string" has unsupported datatype at line number in file string

PCC-02208: No filename specified in #include statement

PCC-00113: Value of DBMS option invalid with given value of MODE option

PCC-01300: You are not authorized to run Pro*PL/I

PCC-02017: unable to open output file

PCC-02204: EXEC SQL INCLUDE not permitted from within an included file

PCC-02399: Illegal CHAR_MAP option value for DBMS=V6. Option ignored.

PCC-01010: Invalid use of NULL character in character literal

PCC-02150: Error at line number, column number in file string

PCC-02377: Arrays of implicit varchars are not permitted

PCC-02404: This indicator variable must be declared as a pointer type

PCC-02201: Found syntax error

PCC-02358: Identifier following ARRAYLEN must be the name of an array

PCC-02435: This attribute is only valid for internal LOB types

PCC-02383: Expecting an expression of type OCIExtProcContext

PCC-01000: You are not authorized to run Pro*COBOL

PCC-02327: struct or struct pointer required

PCC-02309: illegal formal parameter declaration

PCC-00100: Non integer label is not ANSI

PCC-02375: SQL statement found outside the body of a function

PCC-00114: Length spec required in EXEC SQL VAR statements for VARxxx types

PCC-00066: Userid only used when SQLCHECK = FULL, userid ignored.

PCC-00101: Lower case 'e' in floating point number is not ANSI

PCC-02402: Pro*C option OBJECTS=YES is required when using the object cache

PCC-02320: arithmetic expression does not have correct operand types

PCC-00087: EXEC SQL TYPE statement not allowed for this host language

PCC-00133: Command line option MODE=ANSI required with option NLS_LOCAL=YES

PCC-02310: formal parameter VARCHARs should be declared as pointers

PCC-00104: FOR clause is an Oracle extension

PCC-02409: Expecting an expression of some REF type

PCC-00121: Arrays of VARCHAR pointers are not supported

PCC-00063: Reached end of file string before End-of-Statement at line number!

PCC-02423: Host variable has an invalid type for this option value

PCC-00093: Invalid or obsolete option, ignored

PCC-01202: Identifier "string" truncated to 31 characters

PCC-02449: Cannot type equivalence a UCS2 type

PCC-00118: Use of host variable initialization not supported by ANSI SQL

PCC-00127: string

PCC-02047: CMD-LINE: Option is not allowed inline:

PCC-02424: The number of values and host variables does not match

PCC-02450: Cursor was not declared in scrollable mode

PCC-00122: Input file name and output file name are identical

PCC-00085: Error writing to file string

PCC-00108: This statement is not supported by ANSI

PCC-02415: Cannot manipulate Object attributes in an OBJECT GET or SET

PCC-01014: "VARYING" not supported with PIC N PICTURE clause

PCC-01012: DATA DIVISION not found