Errores DRG

Errores DRG mas frecuentes

DRG-10602: failed to queue DML change to column string for primary key string

DRG-50952: Section is not PATH section group

DRG-10700: preference does not exist: string

DRG-10312: logfile name must be specified

DRG-10561: index string is not valid for requested operation

DRG-12439: highlight table read failed

DRG-50857: oracle error in string

DRG-12212: error while dropping section string

DRG-10853: Catsearch does not support this operator

DRG-11827: Request Timeout

DRG-12306: column string is too long for index set columns

DRG-13009: multi lexer preference does not have a DEFAULT sub lexer

DRG-51311: DML lock handle previously allocated

DRG-11101: failed to open file string

DRG-11445: rowid value is invalid: string

DRG-10205: server deregister failed

DRG-13005: alt_value cannot be an NLS language name

DRG-11213: CTXSYS does not own procedure filter stored procedure: string

DRG-11432: file error while accessing knowledge base

DRG-11207: user filter command exited with status string

DRG-13102: index partition name must be specified

DRG-11614: URL store: communication with host specified in string timed out

DRG-12504: stoplist string does not exist

DRG-11000: invalid keyword string

DRG-13300: document size bigger than string bytes

DRG-10758: index owner does not have the privilege to use this preference

DRG-10844: index cannot execute this structured predicate efficiently

DRG-10708: invalid class id string for preference string

DRG-11443: gist maxPercent string is invalid

DRG-11208: ORACLE_HOME is not set

DRG-10837: section string does not exist

DRG-13011: language column must be specified when using the multi lexer

DRG-11613: URL store: connection refused to host specified by string

DRG-11117: name is already used by an existing object

DRG-11864: Unknown Access Authentication Scheme

DRG-11001: missing keyword when expecting one of string

DRG-10553: illegal syntax for column specification string

DRG-11301: error while indexing document

DRG-11503: insert statement overflows maximum statement size

DRG-11612: URL store: unknown host specified in string

DRG-13002: preference string is not a MULTI_LEXER

DRG-10516: failed to perform DDL operation due to an Oracle error

DRG-12514: languages must be specified for stopwords in a MULTI_STOPLIST

DRG-50951: Unable to resolve element name for attribute string

DRG-10595: ALTER INDEX string failed

DRG-11110: string

DRG-11303: secondary indexes are not supported by this indextype

DRG-11823: Not Found

DRG-50943: query token too long on line string on column string

DRG-12606: error encountered while parsing COLUMNS list